Sunday, December 13, 2009

Last week in Guelph

A quick update. As of today i have finished with my vaccines (yay!) and seem to have all the paperwork in order with the exception of my work visa. My travel plans have been confirmed and I even have somewhere to stay for the 2 days I will be in London. Things seem to be falling into place all on their own, however I know God has His hand in all of this.

I want to thank everyone who has given me little things to take to my students and the village children in the area. The kids are going to love all the fun toys and stickers etc. Thank you for your generosity! Sadly I must ask that if you have anything else to send that you please mail it to my at Sakeji. I have just spent the last hour and 1/2 sorting through my 'take to Africa' pile of boxes and bags and realized I'm going to have to sit and figure out what I NEED and what I can live without for 8 months. As my family knows well, I have always had trouble packing 'lightly' so I have a big job ahead of me! I figure if i get started now, maybe i'll have it cut down to a managable weight by Saturday, which is my 'packing day'.

This is my last week in Guelph before I leave. I will be heading up to Sudbury next Sunday to spend some time with my parents over Christmas and then heading to Kingston for a visit with Meredith, Dan and Aeryck before catching my flight on the 30th. I can't believe how quickly time is flying by!

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